Advertisement in Class Blog Post
In class we were given a new advertisement to look at and to write a blog post of in a structured way. This ad cover was created by Child Fund International its a world know charity that is also known as (Christian Children's Fund) which is a charity known for providing services for children around the world. They are known for there ads, tv commercials, photographs, etc. This is one of the many ads that they have done and created, however in my opinion this ad stands out because it talks about one of the most important problem that has been happening in the world, which is girls and education

This ad portrays the problem that has been occurring in countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. The problem that is witnessed is the problem of girls and education, in countries like these the society doesn’t give the opportunities to girls to go to school and learn, they are forced to stay home and learn from their mothers to get married at a young age and be like them. This is the main goal of the Advertisement which was to try and send a message to the viewers and to tell them about the occurring problem and to warn them about the issue that is happening. This is mostly aimed at the people that are willing to donate to support to help these girls achieve their goal and go to school and change that life that is planned for them. As a remembrance of this problem we go back to when a famous celebrity and well known activist Malala Yousafzai who was shot on the way to school by Taliban however she survived it and fought through it and became well known around the world and has won a noble peace prize for that. This ad is trying to decrease issues like that and allow these girls to go to school without knowing there is a danger on their lives and learn and educate themselves.
These girls who can’t go to school because of society and how they cant achieve what they want
This is basically the main point of this advertisements to portray this problem and raise awareness for these girls. Child Fund International added all the information needed in the Ad to help and fix this issue. TRY TO HELP AS WELL.
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